Setting Up A Local GitLab Repository For CI/CD On Docker Container Using Docker Desktop For Windows

Prince Arora
2 min readJan 2, 2022


Below are the steps to set up the gitlab repository CICD tool locally on windows machine on a docker container


  • Install & Start Docker Desktop For Windows
  • Windows 10


  1. Create following directories on filesystem:
a) GitLab home directory→ C:\gitlab-local

2. Create following environment variable on windows:

 GITLAB_HOME = C:\gitlab-local

3. Execute following command on powershell to run gitlab-ce image as a docker container

docker run --detach `
--hostname `
--publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 `
--name gitlab `
--restart always `
--volume $GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab `
--volume $GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab `
--volume $GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab `
--shm-size 2gb `

4. Make an entry in the hostfile

5. Open the following link in the browser:

6. GitLab Starts Up

The container takes sometime to start up and change to healthy status

Initially following page is visible when the gitlab container starts up

7. GitLab Login Screen

After successful container start up, following login screen opens up

GitLab creates following directories on filesystem

a) For storing GitLab configuration files : C:\gitlab-local\configb) For storing application data : C:\gitlab-local\datac) For storing logs : C:\gitlab-local\logs

Exec into the gitlab container

docker exec -it gitlab sh

8. GitLab Login Credentials

Username = rootPassword = <value of password in initial_root_password file>

9. Login to GitLab Console



Prince Arora
Prince Arora

Written by Prince Arora

IT professional | Technology enthusiast | Cloud | AWS | Docker | Machine Learning

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